Where do your interior design ideas come from? Do you hire an interior decorator or do you wing it yourself at the local Cardi’s, Bernie & Phil’s or something even MORE local like your local thrift store? While they all have your pocketbook at heart, do you really know what you’re looking for in your room design? Think about your style. Is it country carefree, or fashionably chic? Or do you like a project to refurbish or something quick and comfortable that is tastefully adding design to your décor?
Let’s start with the intended room and what it is used for. You have a room that you use for gathering family, friends, and guests of your business. Be it your living room, or kitchen, the flow should blend throughout. While walking from one room to the next the feeling should be one of continuity, including color scheme, furniture design and/or proportioned space to move around. We’ve all been in that one house where there’s too much in one space and you feel uncomfortable. Interior design is more than just creating furnishings in a space, its creating a comfortable space to inhabit within your abode.

To quote H.C. Dieter Rams, “Good design is as little design as possible,” meaning: the simpler the better. Great furniture pieces are timeless and their style lasts forever. Even though it’s nice to update from time to time, you can always find a quality piece that sticks with you and build upon it with newer pieces around it. He has 10 commandments for designs to work:
It’s innovative, useful, aesthetically pleasing to look at, can be understood, is unobtrusive, honest, long-lasting, thorough in its details, environmentally friendly and last but not least, involves as little design as possible. https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/dieter-rams-10-timeless-commandments-for-good-design
Of course, simplicity sometimes comes with a price. And it’s often a piece that you will buy once in a lifetime. That is where good decisions are made at the forefront of the sale. Good decisions are based what the intended use and longevity of the unit will be. We all know that when we have kids, furniture life is not necessarily going to have the life expectancy of their childhood. But a quality piece will certainly stand up to family wear. So you want to be looking for long-lasting, at least till your kids get to college. But then, after they are in college, perhaps an update is at hand and you want to create a more grown-up atmosphere in your space. Now, you can invite the rest of those ten commandments into your home design.

Maybe at this point you will want to be encouraged by a professional design expert. When you come to the point where you are ready to create a new feeling in your surroundings, you might even decide to add on or redesign your existing home all together to create a more open floor plan. And sometimes you need to get your ideas from one piece of furniture that will sprout a whole new beginning to living in a grand space of your own creation. Gable Building has been doing this for families across the Cape since the early 90’s creating custom designs for homeowners’ one dream at a time. They will start with your ideas and work with you till the finished product is complete and tastefully created based on your ideas and continue to work with you till you are 100% satisfied. And sometimes, it starts with just one piece of furniture.